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Daily Prayer Archive

February 12, 2019

Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus,
I love You so much
and I give You my heart.
Help me to love God.
Help me to love my neighbor
as a child of God.
Help me to love myself
as a child of God.


February 11, 2019

O Immaculate Virgin Mary,
Mother of Mercy,
you are the refuge of sinners,
the health of the sick,
and the comfort of the afflicted.
You know my wants,
my troubles, my sufferings.
By your appearance at the Grotto of Lourdes
you made it a privileged sanctuary
where your favors are given to people
streaming to it from the whole world.
Over the years countless sufferers
have obtained the cure for their infirmities -
whether of soul, mind, or body.
Therefore I come to you
with limitless confidence
to implore your motherly intercession.
Obtain, O loving Mother,
the grant of my requests.
Through gratitude for Your favors,
I will endeavor to imitate Your virtues,
that I may one day share in Your glory.


February 10, 2019

Jesus, my God, I adore You,
here present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar,
where You wait day and night to be our comfort
while we await Your unveiled presence in heaven.

Jesus, my God,
I adore You in all places
where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved
and where sins are committed
against this Sacrament of Love.

Jesus, my God,
I adore You for all time,
past, present and future,
for every soul that ever was,
is or shall be created.

February 9, 2019

O Heavenly Father,
I commend my children to You
Be their God and Father;
and mercifully supply whatever is wanting in me
through frailty or negligence.
Strengthen them to overcome the corruptions of the world,
to resist all solicitations to evil,
whether from within or without;
and deliver them from the secret snares of the enemy.
Pour Your grace into their hearts,
and confirm and multiply in them the gifts of Your Holy Spirit,
that they may daily grow in grace
and in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ;
and so, faithfully serving You here,
may come to rejoice in Your presence hereafter.


February 8, 2019

Loving God, rewarder of the humble,
You blessed St. Josephine Bakhita
with charity and patience.
May her prayers help us,
and her example inspire us to carry our cross
and to love You always.
Pour upon us the spirit of wisdom and love
with which You filled St. Josephine.

By serving You as she did,
may we please You by our faith and our actions.
Grant this through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Your Son, who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.


February 7, 2019

O Holy Mother, all the treasures of the mercy of God
are in your hands.
You will never cease to benefit us, I know,
for you are only seeking an opportunity
to save all sinners
and to shower your mercies upon them.
Your glory is increased when,
through you,
penitents are forgiven and reach heaven.
Look favorably upon us, Heavenly Mother,
and help us in our hour of need.

February 6, 2019

God of heaven and earth, Creator of all,
Be always by the side of Your Ambassador Pope Francis.
Guide him in his words and actions,
Sustain him as an instrument of Your peace and compassion,
Give him the wisdom and strength to do Your Will,
Protect him from all evil,
Help him to shepherd the flock of the Church, to bring it to salvation,
And manifest in him Your boundless mercy, Your forgiveness and kindness.
May he always be filled with Your unfathomable love,
And may he be a vessel for that love to fill the world.


February 5, 2019

O God, Who among the other marvels of Your power,
has granted the victory of martyrdom;
mercifully grant:
that we who celebrate the Heavenly birthday
of blessed Agatha, Your Virgin and Martyr,
may, by her example,
draw nearer to You.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Your Son who lives and reigns world without end.


February 4, 2019

O Heavenly Father, I pray
that You enlighten my mind,
inflame my will,
purify my heart,
and sanctify my soul.


- Pope Clement XI

February 3, 2019

Queen of the Most Holy Rosary,
in this tragic hour of the world's history,
we entrust and consecrate ourselves to your Immaculate Heart,
our only refuge, our hope, our salvation.
Have pity on this world,
torn by the most terrible conflicts,
burning with the fires of hate, victim of its own sins.
May your Heart be moved at the sight of so much ruin,
pain and sorrow.

We consecrate to your maternal heart our persons,
our families,
our country,
the whole of humanity.
Protect and save us!

February 2, 2019

O Mary, for you, nothing is impossible.
You can raise even those who are in despair
to a hope of salvation.
There more powerful you are,
the greater should be your mercy.

Turn also to us in your love.
I know, O Mary, that you are all kindness
and that you love us with a love
that no other love can surpass.
How often you appease the wrath of our Divine Judge,
when He is on the point of punishing us!

February 1, 2019

O God, who has given Your blessed Apostle Peter
the keys to the kingdom of heaven,
and the power to bind and loose:
grant that we may be delivered,
through the help of this intercession,
from the slavery of all our sins:
Who lives and reigns world without end.


January 31, 2019

O God, Who raised up Saint John, Your Confessor,
to be the father and the teacher of the youth,
and Who by him,
with the help of the Virgin Mary,
promoted new families in You Church:
grant, we beseech You,
that inflamed by the same fire of love,
we may win souls and serve You alone.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, You Son,
Who lives and reigns with You
in the unity of the Holy Ghost,
world without end.


January 30, 2019

O Mary, look upon us who are your children,
look upon us who are brothers and sisters,
disciples and apostles and continuation of Jesus.
Make us aware of our vocation and our mission;
may we not be unworthy to take on,
in our priesthood, 
in our word,
in the offering of our life
for the faithful entrusted to us,
the representation and personification of Christ.
O you who are full of grace,
grant that the priesthood that honors you
may itself also be holy and immaculate.

January 29, 2019

I have broken out of my prison
but I am still not free.

I have been comforted in weakness
yet I have too little strength.

I have experienced the warmth and depth of human friendship
but I am not fulfilled.

I seek, I give, I possess
and yet I yearn - 

It is You I seek, O Lord,
my unlosable friend forever.

Fill me up, Lord -
complete me -

I will be restless
Until I rest in You.


About us

Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Quick Contact

Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984