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Daily Prayer Archive

January 18, 2016

I ask you, Lord, to unlock the chains of my guilt that stop me from believing that You want what is for my good. Help me, Lord, not to punish or accuse myself in any unhealthy way, but let me believe in Your loving mercy. Release me, Lord, from all the negative feelings that sin has left within me, all unforgivingness I’ve harboured in my heart, all bitterness I’ve’ allowed to linger, all the resentments I’ve allowed to simmer, everything that works against Your will, and stops You from healing me within. Now, Lord, I ask You for the special favour of Your healing love, through my renewed spirit give to my body the power to resist and overcome all the illness and sickness that besets me. As I sense Your goodness within me may my body feel whole, so that it may savour Your peace and goodness within the innermost centre of my being radiating to all parts of my body. As I rejoice in the presence of Your Spirit within me may Your balm, Your peace, Your calm radiate from my soul to my body, I make this request to You, Lord, with all the faith, all the hope and all the love that I can bring to this moment. May Mary, hope of all who suffer, pray for me. Amen

January 17, 2016

Prayer for the Gift of God’s Healing Love Lord, I ask Your mercy and Your favour in a special way on me today. I ask the gift of healing both spiritual and physical, of all my sins, and of my illness I do so with confidence, knowing that You love me, and that You want for me what is for my best. I do so with trust, knowing that You care for me more than I care for myself, and that I am precious to You, even if within myself I feel unworthy or unloved. I ask You, Lord, to release me from any slavery to sin, any attitudes, habits, compulsions, or ingrained ways of thinking, speaking, or acting that keep the cycle of sin going within me, and which keep me from opening my heart, soul, mind and body to Your healing love.

January 16, 2016

Lord, You Treasure Each One of Us Lord, even an old leaf looks so special on a frosty morning, when you tinge it with silver. You made us all special, Lord. You adorn each one of us with loving care for You treasure each one of us. Lord, no matter how ill I feel, You see my goodness and make me precious in your sight. Thank you, Lord. Amen

January 15, 2016

Lord, Help Me To Listen To You in my Heart The little drummer boy listens to the music, concentrates on the sound, marches in step to beat out the rhythm on the drum. In the same way, Lord, help me to appreciate how precious are the moments of stillness You give me each day, so that I can listen to You in my heart, and keep in step with you. Help me to learn from the wisdom of a child. Amen

January 14, 2016

The Power of Your Love Lord, when I’m not well I lose confidence, get confused, become anxious and frightened about all kinds of things, about the past, and about the future, especially about operations. I feel so useless, listless like a young bird. Lord, strengthen me to trust in you. For I know that nothing can come between me and your love, neither fear, nor worry, nor anxiety, nor sickness, nor illness, nor even danger of death, neither the past, nor the present, nor anything in the future. There is nothing in all of creation no power or principality that will ever be able to come between us. In all these things I can keep going, keep trusting, keep holding on, through the power of your love. Amen

January 14, 2016

In the day-to-day routine of life I take my friends for granted, I expect them to be good to me even when I’m in a miserable mood, but when I’m ill I start to think how precious my friends are, how important they are to me. Lord, thank you for my friends, Bless each one of them today, wherever they are, and thank you for your friendship. Thank you for the priceless treasure of your healing presence. Amen

January 12, 2016

Lord, I Know You Will Never Abandon Me Lord, in times of pride I parade my success, or fame or fortune for all the world to see. Then in times of illness I see how weak I really am, and how vain, Let me rather walk humbly with you. Let me trust in you, rather than in my own strength, let me step out with confidence in you, for your weakness is greater than all my strength. Lord, I thank you, for I know you will never abandon me. Amen

January 11, 2016

Help me not to complain, help me to put my trust in You. I know you see and understand all that I’m going through. You know how hard the long days and nights can be. You are my comfort, the one who understands me. Lord help me to always trust in You. Amen

January 10, 2016

There are times when I realize I’ve complained too much and others seem to avoid me. It’s just that I feel so low at times, so exhausted, so unwell, and everything is a real effort, it all gets too much. Lord, please help me, help me to be patient in my trouble and sickness.

January 9, 2016

Dear Jesus, We can easily get caught up in our own self -interest but that leads nowhere. You call us to appreciate our relation to one another, to creation and to our loving God. We are not isolates but are bound together by your love. We are to be part of your family. Amen

January 8, 2016

Lord, I need new energy for life, to meet all its challenges again. I need your help, your strength, to overcome all the tiredness I feel. When I see others in full flight, see them glide through life with effortless ease and elation, I sometimes wonder why. I get so tired, and everything’s an effort, but only say the word, Lord, and I shall be healed. Lord, awaken my spirit with your healing touch so I can turn to you with joy. Amen

January 7, 2016

To all who suffer: May the Spirit of God Be close to you, Renew and uplift you, Strengthen and comfort you, Pour gifts on you to heal you, Enfold you in love to protect you, Lighten your burden of illness, Bestow peace in mind and body, Guide you in the way of Christ And so lead you into glory. Amen

January 6, 2016

Dear Jesus, At times I may not be attentive to Your presence. I need to take time out first to thank you for your goodness to me and then to recall those moments in my day when you were present though I may have not at first averted to it. Perhaps I may become more fully aware of my faults or of another’s kindness. Give me a seeing heart to appreciate all that you have done. Amen

January 5, 2016

Dear Jesus, At times I catch myself making quick unfair judgements about people and their activities. I fear this might be a sign of my own self-righteousness. At least being aware of this fault may help me be sympathetic to all weaknesses, my own included. Help me be more understanding and forgiving. Amen

January 3, 2016

Dear Lord, I come to you plainly. I don't bring perfect, polished prayers that have flowery language. Just me, plain and simple me. Thank You Lord, for bringing me near to You. Praise You Lord, for the miracles I see each day. Amen


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Columban logoThe Columbans are a society of missionaries, including priests and lay people, who minister to people of various cultures as a way of witnessing to the universal love of God.

We go in the name of the Church to announce, by deed and word, the Good News of Jesus Christ.

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Missionary Society of St. Columban
1902 N. Calhoun
St. Columbans, NE 68056
Phone: 877-299-1920
Fax: 402-291-4984